About The UnderDawg

About The UnderDawg

The UnderDawg is an independent publication launched in October 2024 by Joe Szynkowski and The UpWrite Group.

As an SIU graduate from the Class of 2005 and a former reporter for The Southern Illinoisan, I’ve spent years immersed in the stories that define our Saluki athletes and programs. My work has appeared in the New York Times, Fox & Friends, Entrepreneur Magazine, AARP, and multiple other global publications, but nothing excites me more than connecting with my fellow Salukis.

I’ve had the privilege of covering the grit, determination, and pride that are the backbone of SIU athletics. I know firsthand how our athletes push their limits, and I understand how important it is to keep the community informed and engaged.

That’s why I’m launching The UnderDawg, an independent platform dedicated to providing in-depth coverage of all things SIU sports. We’ll go beyond the headlines, offering game analysis, athlete features, and insider stories that capture the heart of Saluki Nation. Whether it's the big plays or the behind-the-scenes moments that shape our teams, The UnderDawg is here to tell the stories that matter most to diehard fans like you.

Let’s celebrate our Saluki pride together, with coverage that digs deeper and brings you closer to the action than ever before.

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You’ll get the best of both worlds: Original stories and the latest from around the conference, all in one place.

Questions, rants, or story ideas? Email Joe@theupwritegroup.com.